
Wraptrack is a small business and we're dependent on our premium-users to keep Wraptrack running and evolving.

Premium users support Wraptrack with a monthly donation.

Wraptrack gives thanks by providing special premium functionalities such as:

  • Create search agents on the market and filter by price, material, brands, etc. You will receive notifications when a new matches arrive

  • Making a checklist for fast access to the carriers for sale, you are interested in

  • Choosing the primary image for your carriers. Shown in your collection and at your sales posts

  • Writing personal notes on each of your carriers. For example, to be able to remember what you bought for. Notes are hidden for everybody else

  • Adding your own ISO-list of specific models of your dreams. And get an overview of whether there are other users looking for something from your collection. Something you might consider selling

  • The possibility of receiving e-mail notifications when a carrier matching your ISO list or search agents is put on the market

You can cancel your Premium membership at any time - there are no obligations.

Years ago, when Tilde and Peter carried their small children in woven wraps, Tilde got really into buying and selling wraps and got the idea that it should be possible to track the wraps from home to home.

The first version of Wraptrack was programmed by Tilde, but as she didn't have the time to complete the project, her mother Pernille and aunt Camilla decided to help. So that's how Wraptrack started as a family project that quietly grew larger.

Here you can read more about who we are. Also, you can always get in contact at: